How to Book Fast Passes for Disney World – a Step by Step Guide


How do I book fast passes for Disney? It’s a question I do get asked a lot since the system changed from the old paper fast passes. It’s quite straightforward and definitely worth doing as you will save loads of time no queuing so you can do more fun things in a day!


Firstly, you will need to create an account on the Disney website and link your tickets to it (you will need ticket already bought to book fast passes).  You will also need to add your friends and family (the ones you want to book fast passes for) added to your Disney account. There is just the four of us, two adults and two children and I have added us all to my account. (Like anyone else does any planning in this household!!)

How to book Disney Fast Passes – Step by Step Guide


With your account set up and your family added you are ready to book your fast passes!


One – Find MyDisneyExperience


At the top right of the page, hover your mouse over ‘My Disney Experience’, and then move the cursor down to click on Fastpass+ 



Two – Click Add Fastpass+


Click on ‘Add FastPass+’. If your screen looks slightly different to mine, don’t worry, it’s just that I already have some fast passes booked. Just click on the blue ‘Add FastPass+’ button.





Three – Choose your friends and family


The next screen should show all your friends and family that are associated with your Disney account. Choose the ones you would like to book fast passes for. If you are booking fast passes for all you can simply click ‘Select All’. When you have everyone selected click ‘Next’.



Four –Family and Friends Confirmation


The next screen is just to confirm who you have selected (you can change them at this point if you’ve made a mistake. Though, don’t worry too much as you can always delete fast passes later on and rebook different ones, so it isn’t set in stone at any point!)





Five – What day do you want fast passes for?


Select the day you would like to book Fast Passes on. When you have done that (look at the next screen shot…!)



Six – What Park do you want Disney fast passes for?


You will be given a choice of the four Disney parks. Choose the park you would like to book Fast Passes for.



Seven – What time do you want fast passes and which fast passes do you want?


First choose the time of day you are wanting to be in the parks (Morning, Afternoon or Evening) or specify a particular time. Then below you will see all the rides that have fast passes available and the times you can book. Bear in mind that you need to leave an hour between each fast pass time (it won’t let you book them any closer than this).




Eight – Summary of your Disney fast passes


This is your summary screen and will show the attraction, the time and the people you are booking fast passes for. Click ‘Confirm’



Nine – Confirmed fast pass


The final screen that shows your confirmed fast pass. From here you can choose to book more on the same day, a different day or return to the main screen.





You can book a maximum of three fast passes per person per day ahead of time. On the day if you have used all your fastpasses, you can head to a kiosk and book an extra one (and an extra one after that – I am not sure how many extras you can have, I think we managed 3 extras in the past). I believe that you can now book extra fast passes via the MyDisneyExperience (MDE) app. I’ll confirm this after our next trip!


Download MyDisneyExperience app

Absolutely make sure you download the MyDisneyExperience app before you go – it will become your best friend during your trip. Pack a mobile phone charger too!  Perhaps also check out my post on the restaurants in Disney that you should definitely book an Advanced Dining Reservation for.

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