Alice in Wonderland Afternoon Tea at the Taj, 51 Buckingham Gate, London

Kids afternoon tea London

The Alice in Wonderland afternoon tea at Taj 51 Buckingham Gate in London ranks as the most quirky, theatrical and stunning afternoon tea I have ever had the pleasure to try (and as this post shows I have enjoyed many!).  The afternoon tea perfectly compliments the building that houses it – The Taj, 51 Buckingham Gate is a beautiful example of Victorian opulence with its arched windows, stone balconies and vivid colours.  There are two Taj hotels set in a secluded courtyard, the other is St James’ Court, a Taj Hotel where we had a lovely family stay.  We made a video of our stay and you can see the Afternoon Tea in there too!

How’s this for something different – a list of deliverable afternoon teas in London!

The table was beautifully set ready for our arrival, with this enormous Mad Hatter’s hat as an elaborate centrepiece.  There were silk flowers and pretty crockery and beads of pearls adorning the table.  

Alice in Wonderland Afternoon Tea Taj 51 Buckingham Gate, London

We were brought a tea menu and I ordered my usual Earl Grey, Master T chose peppermint, Mr W went for a cafetiere of coffee and Miss H had apple juice. The pot of tea I received was absolutely enormous (and I can say there was no dormouse asleep in there!).  We didn’t need any extra tea but a table behind us tried several different teas during their meal.

Alice in Wonderland Afternoon Tea Taj 51 Buckingham Gate, London

The service, as you would expect from a 5* hotel was impeccable with courteous staff explaining each part of the tea, and silently whisking no longer needed items away for our convenience.

Afternoon tea at the Taj

It’s clearly a special occasion tea and everyone was happily taking photos and celebrating birthdays and anniversaries.  It’s a perfect place for a children’s afternoon tea – their eyes lit up when they saw the table, but went huge like saucers when the food began arriving!

Alice in Wonderland Afternoon Tea in London

To begin with, naturally, we had sandwiches. These were cut in finger style but were much larger than usual with plenty of (quite delicious!) filling. I particularly enjoyed the coronation chicken, while Miss H liked the tuna. There were also cheese and tomato and cucumber sandwiches too. Later on we were offered more sandwiches, but there really was such a cornucopia of food, we had to refuse!

Sandwiches at the Taj, 51 Buckingham Gate, London

After the sandwiches came the scones course. Again here was more abundance with three scones each, plain, fruit and chocolate scones. These were served with strawberry jam (homemade, a lovely touch!) And an ice cream scoop of clotted cream, decorated with a tiny edible purple viola.

Clotted cream

There were four glass jars of a yoghurty strawberry drink, with a small slab of chocolate on top instructing us to ‘Drink me’.

Children's Afternoon Tea

The cakes were inspired by Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland like ‘Queen of Hearts’ Mango Tarts, ‘Caterpillar’s Mushroom’ Raspberry Marshmallows, White Chocolate Mousse Teacups and Pocket Watch macaroons.

Just look at how cute this is!

There was also a pretty Victoria sponge with a white chocolate rose.

The Alice Tea Party in Wonderland is a feast for the eyes as well as the taste-buds!  It’s a truly stunning afternoon tea and was a very memorable treat for the children.  They start serving afternoon tea at 12.30 which was ideal for us as afterwards we were heading off to see the matinee performance of Wicked the Musical, which is showing at the Apollo Victoria, just a few minutes walk away from the Taj.

Oh and you might like to know, we brought the scones home too!

Scones at Taj, 51 Buckingham Gate


Taj, 51 Buckingham Gate invited us to visit and review the Alice Tea Party in Wonderland.  As always, all opinions expressed are my own.



Also check out our reviews of Afternoon Tea at The Savoy and the Peter Rabbit Afternoon Tea at The Dilly.  Or the best afternoon tea for kids in London.



Or what about Afternoon Tea in York, Cambridge and Stratford upon Avon.


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  1. This looks incredible and such intricate detail it’s on my bucket list now

    1. It was amazing – I’d go back tomorrow if I could!

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