Visiting Flamingo Land Yorkshire Theme Park

Flamingo Land Yorkshire – we visit Flamingo Land every year, usually in the Spring as it’s a favourite day out for Mr Wonders who likes to go on Father’s Day which we did this year.  We sometimes visit and have reviewed Halloween too.  Father’s Day this year was a bit cloudy but it didn’t rain which counts as a win in my opinion!  

There is so much to do at Flamingo Land we never get round all of it, but we do our favourite rides and like to try something new each time.  

We stopped at the Sea Lion show which was brilliant.  The keeper was very entertaining and the sea lions were fabulous and so lovable!  We met Merlin the sea lion who clapped and kissed his keeper, balanced a ball on his nose and caught rings.  The keeper explained that learning how to do these things benefits the sea lions as it keeps them active and occupied.   The keeper also explained the difference between seals and sea lions which was perfect timing as Miss H had just asked me that and I could not reply!  (Seals don’t have the big front flippers like sea lions do, or sticky out ears – I am sure there is more, but you get my drift!).

We also visited the Aquarium which on the whole was very quiet, which is lovely as you really get to see the fish, sharks and turtles.  Later we went to see the hippos at feeding time.

One of the main new things since we last visited properly that was new last year was Flamingoland F1 – a huge race track featuring self steering cars where you race two other cars against the clock. 

The new facilities look amazing and the ride was popular.  Master T loved it – but I think Miss H would have liked the cars to go faster! (I think they should go faster too).  As part of this new development, the old soft play area has now moved to a second floor location in the same building.  You can sit on the second floor either inside or outside to watch the racing.  There is also a new large fish and chip restaurant and snack bar up there too. 

Down below there is a Chinese takeaway and lots of picnic benches to sit and eat at.

Chinese takeaway menu and prices at Flamingoland Yorkshire.

We always end our day at Chidren’s Planet in the play area next to the pub.  It’s a brilliant play area with lots of rope bridges and slides between climbing frames.  There are lots of places to sit here too and rest your weary feet while the children play before hometime.


Our Review of Flamingoland Yorkshire from two years ago

I have been going to Flamingo Land since I was a little girl, and we’ve been bringing the children every year since Miss H was still in a buggy. There are lots of rides for children, and under 3’s are free, so make the most of that. Theme parks can be an expensive business, so we always keep an eye out for offers in the paper and on Radio Station websites like Minster Fm or Stray Fm.

Rides for the Kids

There are lots of fun rides for them.


Miss H loves the Carousel so much I have made a mini montage of the ones she has ridden just in the last two months! Flamingo Land, Lightwater Valley and the York Castle Museum.


There are plenty of food offerings at Flamingo Land, from hot dogs and fish and chips on the go, to sit down restaurants for pizza and pasta. We are creatures of habit and always visit the American Diner. You can get burgers, hot dogs and milkshakes. Reasonably priced and good sized portions. Tasty too, definitely one of the better attractions for food.

American Diner

As an aside, if you do visit the Diner (and I would recommend it) be sure to play ‘spot the typos’ with the menu. Lots to keep the kids entertained there! Miss H (aka mini wordsmith) was morally outraged as only a seven-year-old can be, by the spelling of apple as ‘aple’. She has mentioned it on a number of occasions since. Children are random!

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Soft Play and Costa Coffee

If you have little ones or feel the need for a sit down, a visit to the soft play pirate ship might be a good plan. They serve Costa coffee in there too, just so you are aware!

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Master T built a house from all the soft play shapes – just look at the glee on his face!

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Dinostone Park

Miss H is a complete thrill seeker, unlike her less adventurous brother, so while Mr Wonders takes her off rollercoastering, Master T and I visited the dinosaur sand pit where you can dig up dinosaur bones.  Master T was more interested in the 20p coin he dug up and then pretending he was stuck in a dinosaurs ribcage.

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Zoo and Animals

There is a train that runs around most of the park and will take you to the animal enclosures if you would like to see them. They have everything from lions and meercats to zebras and giraffes.

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Mischief Mansion

Don’t miss the area near Children’s Planet at the far side of the park. There are more rides at that end, another coffee shop (hooray!) and Mischief Mansion, a kids’ spooky train ride. Beware the music they play will be in your head for days afterwards. A set of stocks stand outside the Mansion, and you know how we like the stocks.

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Children’s Planet

There are lots of small and cute animals in the Children’s Planet area and a fabulous tree house walkway and climbing area for the kids. You can lose a good hour in here, so perhaps plan for the end of the day. There is also a pub where you can buy a drink and watch the kids play.

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Oh!  I almost forgot about the splash area as we visited in October this time. They have a lovely soft area with fountains for them to cool off on a hot day.  Remember to take spare clothes if you plan to visit though!  Here is a picture of Miss H when she was 3!

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Prices and Website

Have a look at the Flamingo Land website for all the details.

A family ticket for four is £109 if you buy online and in advance.  Do scout around for special deals that come up from time to time though.


For another great review of Flamingoland have a look at this post from Travelling with our Kids.


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  1. Quite far for us but would love to visit, it looks like a really fun place! #HMCapturingMoments

    1. I know I am biased, but Yorkshire has so much going on – it’s a fab place to visit!

  2. Oh this just brings back so many childhood memories, yet there is so much that has changed! I haven’t taken my children yet, though it is definitely on the list for one of our next visits to the north! #HMcapturingmoments

    1. Yes, it has really changed from when I was little! 🙂

  3. Wow, this looks amazing. I can’t believe I have never heard of it before! It’s quite far from me and Miss H is probably a couple of years too young to enjoy it fully at the moment, but I will definitely put it on my list of places I would like to take her one day 🙂 Thank you so much for linking up to #HMcapturingmoments x

    1. It’s a great place to visit. The list will get very long! x

  4. Always liked the look of Flamingo Land, sadly too far for me 🙁 x #HMcapturingmoments

    1. They are investing a lot of money on the resort side too if you ever fancy visiting for a short stay!

  5. Wow, looks like a great place for a family day out. I live in the south East so unfortunately a bit to far for us but if we ever venture that way, we’ll definitely look into going there. Thank you for sharing x #HMcapturingmoments

    1. Yes, it is, we are very lucky to have two great theme parks really close to us!

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