Built-in cabinets and wardrobes, in-wall cubby holes, wall-mounted hutches, under-the-bed plastic storage containers, and wall-hanging wire organisers are all examples of savvy home storage ideas. Now, let’s look into the advantages of being savvy with your home storage.
Helping you adapt to changes in your household
When you have a family, as the years go by your kids may well fly the nest. Living at home without your kids is a big thing to get used to at first. However, getting your storage right and keeping your home decluttered when your kids leave can give you a sense of peace of mind knowing that you haven’t been left with the mammoth task of cleaning your child’s mess up when they move elsewhere.
Of course, there are some items that your child may want to keep at your home, such as photographs, clothes, and their favourite childhood books and toys. So, tread carefully about where you store their things in the house and be careful about what you get rid of or give to the charity shop. Your kids may find it hard to forgive you if you chuck away one of their favourite possessions.
Keeping your kids’ things separate from your own
Another benefit of getting on top of home storage is it means you can easily separate your children’s possessions from your own. Have a cupboard or wardrobe where your kid’s clothes are stored and avoid mixing them all up with your washing machine load.
Maximising your living space
Many people living in the UK have a limited size living space to make the most of. One of the marvels of getting your home storage right and being strategic about where you place everything is that it will help to maximise your living space.
As well as putting your children’s household items in suitable storage containers, shelving units, in-built wardrobes or cupboards, you could speak to them about safely storing their belongings in a storage unit since they no longer live at home. Take a look at Now Storage, a respected self storage company with 15 locations across England and Wales. For you adventurous ones out there, they even offer secure caravan storage at two of their storage sites.
Potentially increasing the value of your home
Any changes to the interior layout of your home can affect the price it will sell for, no matter how big or small they may seem to you. So, having excellently neat storage solutions all over your home could help to increase the overall value of your house when you come to sell it. People like the idea of moving into a house with good appointments stress and hassle-free.
Doing the best with what you have
Another benefit of being smart with your home storage is that being resourceful in this way helps you to do the best with what you have got, and you can also save money along the way. Being thrifty and storage savvy will save you money by preventing endless trips to the tip to offload clutter blocking up your house and you won’t have to shell out for professional cleaning services to remove stains and so on.
Being savvy with storage helps you to stay houseproud, tidy, and organised, and enables you to do your very best with what you have at your disposal.
Taking better care of your clothes
Have you or members of your household got a real passion for fashion and prefer to keep your clothes in tip-top condition? In that case, you will be pleased to hear that savvy home storage can help you take much better care of your clothes collection.
So, say goodbye to the floodrobe era, and hi to clothes being put neatly on hangers or in suit bags made from protective materials after they have been washed thoroughly.
Making your home a nicer place for guests to stay
A further benefit of being smart with your home storage is that it will make staying at your place, whether for the daytime or overnight, a far more pleasant experience for your guests.
Do you have a large extended family that you are fond of? You will want to be able to feel comfortable about inviting them to stay around your home, and excellent subtle storage and shelving units blended nicely into the background of the house will help to improve the experience of visiting your home for guests. It is the little things that count home presentation-wise when you are having guests.