New Year New Me – Spring Cleaning Tips

I don’t know what I was thinking when I came up with the idea of doing a post about cleaning!  I think I must have been swayed by that magical New Year New Me vibe that says ‘anything is possible’ – even a clean house.  Let’s face it, a tidy house is nigh on impossible, and quite frankly there is nothing wrong with the old me anyway.  However, in a fit of optimism, I asked my fellow bloggers from spring cleaning tips to breathe fresh life into our homes, and this is what they said:

New Year New Me – Spring Cleaning Tips

I like to anti bac all door handles etc as everyone gets ill over Christmas; I also like to clean out and on top of all the cupboards.  Donna from The Sleep Thief’s Mummy.

I’d say move but when we moved in here it was a tip! I’ve got a steam cleaner that I use and I love my Vax carpet cleaner. It’s only a cheap one but works wonders.  Erica from The Incidental Parent and Les Femmes Ensemble.

Burn the house down and start again! Fran from Whinge, Whinge, Wine.

I do a full clean once the Christmas decorations come down because I like to start the new year all fresh and clean. The windows are a big one for me because once the spring light starts to come through it shows up every mark. Emma from Emma Reed.

I generally clean throughout the house and throw out/take to charity anything we haven’t used for last 6 months. This is the Best cleaner ever for mould around the bath/tiles.  Jenni from Chilling with Lucas.

Spring cleaning for me is all about grout! Floor tiles, wall tiles and specifically, shower tiles! Especially after the increased traffic over the xmas period. I’ve always tended to use a diluted bleach solution on my grout, which gets it bright white again in no time.  Steph from Expert Home Tips.

Zoflora everything!! The stuff is a godsend and can be used for loads of things.  Jenna from Then There Were Three

Clean out all the kitchen cupboards on the inside and outside too.  Lianne from Anklebiters Adventures.

Method Rhubarb Spray is the nicest smelling anti bac I’ve ever come across. It definitely makes cleaning a lot more fun haha! That and Zoflora, which I put in a sink full of hot water to kill any nasties! Gee from Gee Gardner.

I love a good deep clean, in particular cleaning kitchen countertops. Tooth brush and bleach on the grout etc!! The rest of the year I’m a wet wipe everything girl! lol Deborah from Country Heart and Home.

As soon as the New Year rolls round, I start my very early Spring Clean. I like to make sure we start the new year with less, especially less of things we don’t need, so I take advantage of charity shop bags that come through the door, donate books I won’t read again to the local community centre and make sure everywhere gets a thorough clean. It makes the New Year hard work, but well worth it! Tattoed Tealady

For my big spring clean I hire a carpet cleaning eco company and it’s amazing how much of a difference it makes. I also make sure I take down all the curtains and nets for a wash and hire a local window cleaner to do all the windows. Christy from Welsh Mum.

A de-clutter! After Xmas our house seems to resemble Toys R Us, so a good toy clear out is had! If the boys haven’t asked or used the item in the last year, off to the charity shop it goes. Of course, once I’ve cleared out, the oldest always asks for one of the rejected items!! I have been known to buy back a chucked out item from the charity shop!! Suzie from Mother Gets Lippy.

I clean my oven. It always takes a real battering over Christmas with all the cooking and I love to have it all clean again for the new year! Laura from Five Little Doves.

I like to hoover and dust behind and under the beds, tops of cupboards, behind units, all the corners you never normally see, so the house is all fresh from the start of the year. Sabrina from The Mummy Stylist.

Wash all things fabric! Things like scatter cushions discolour with everyday grime over time (and possibly get smeared with yoghurt, chocolate, jam etc if you’ve got small children). Wash everything and use loads of Lenor Unstoppables. Not only will everything be cleaner, but your whole house will smell delightful as a result.  Kate from The Mum Conundrum.

I love to clean the skirting boards, dust for cobwebs and clean the tops of door frames, doors and cupboards. Katy from Katykicker.

I clear out my cupboard and drawer of shame. You know when you’re not sure where something belongs, so you shove it in there? I clear it out once a year. Although it doesn’t take long till it fills up again. Pete from Household Moneysaving.

Give all plastic toys a bath. Especially Duplo/Lego stuff that gets grubby and sticking after little hands have been playing with it for a while. Nadia from ScandiMummy.

I love cleaning the bathroom! Flash bathroom spray and blue roll makes it smell amazing and super shiny. Ayse from Arepops.

I live in a hard water area so descaling is a priority! I Soak kitchen roll in white vinegar then wrap it round taps, shower head and scale on the kettle. Leave for as long as possible then rub it off. Works a treat! Jenny from Kid Transit.

I like to give all the lightbulbs a wipe over, you wouldn’t believe how much dust and grime they attract. I sometimes add a couple of drops of essential oils to a damp cloth so when the bulb warms it gives off a lovely scent. Angela from Adventures in Websterland.

 I’ve detoxed by wardrobe and sorted out a capsule wardrobe for the next 3 months. I’ve packed away clothes I’m not goig to wear with tumble drier sheets so they’ll smell fresh when I get them out and have hung moth repellant things in my wardrobe. I like that it’s much emptier to I can see what I have – and I’ve ensured that all the items are things I love wearing. Laura from Edinburgh Life with Kids.

I love doing the shiny surfaces like windows, shower cubicle and taps. My windows always seem to get a bit of mold on then each winter, not really sure how to stop it without being freezing with the windows constantly open but I’ve found the absolutely best ever cleaner is Astonish mold and mildew remover. It’s insane, it’s between 80p and £1 and works a million times better than the expensive ones that are £3-4! Jenny from The Accidental Hipster Mum.

I do a whole house deep clean. One room at a time. I love using Zoflora. I de clutter. Get rid of things we don’t use, don’t fit, broken, no use etc. I’ve just done 2 posts on Zoflora if you want to link those. Claire from Bumps, Babies, Tots and Teens.

A good sort through our wardrobes to see what we haven’t been wearing over winter and what the children have grown out of. We’ll sell some on eBay and take some to the charity shop. It’s also a great time to start planning for spring and sorting through these clothes too! Victoria from Lylia Rose.

I go through each room and de-clutter (I even let myself imagine it might stay that way 🙄) and give the house a fresh lick of paint. Sheree from Can we skip the teenager bit?

I’ve been doing a bit at a time. Moving things around in the house and making a list of the things that it could benefit from. Helena from The Queen of Collage.

I get into such a mindset of cleaning, because of the time off from school little things get ignored but once the older children are back I’m scrubbing everything and getting the method anti bac out! Sarah from Mummy Cat Notes.

A good declutter and general big clean of the house…topped off with some nice fresh flowers to brighten the house on these dull January days. One of my top buys of 2017 was a cordless Dyson which is amazing and so handy for cleaning up after messy kids! Fran from 

Have a thorough clean and do an inventory of all my food cupboards, fridge and freezer! Emma from The Money Whisperer.

I’m not a fan of cleaning but when it’s time for me to clean I put my game face on. I obsess over dust and dirt accumulated in the tiniest areas like my laptop keyboard, the lid of my tumbler etc. I like using toothpick and cotton buds for tiniest areas. Veronica from My Parent Journey.




Also look at our posts on New Year’s Eve in York and New Year in Yorkshire as well as New Year breaks in the UK.
















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  1. Thanks for including me, some fab tips here x

    1. The problem is that it makes me feel guilty for not doing more! 🙂

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