The Hippodrome Circus Summer Spectacular in Great Yarmouth Review |ad

things to do in great yarmouth

The Hippodrome in Great Yarmouth is Britain’s last surviving ‘total circus’ building.  They run two shows a day in the summer, one mid afternoon and one in the evening.  They also have Halloween and Christmas shows, which, if I were closer I definitely would go and watch!

During our trip to Great Yarmouth we visited the Pleasure Beach, SEA LIFE and Merrivale Model Village.



hippodrome circus great yarmouth review


You really don’t get a sense from the outside of how magnificent it is inside. It is theatre in the round as if you’re in a big top but with all the benefits of a permanent building. The seats are like old fashioned cinema seats rather than an uncomfortable bench and are staggered so everyone should get a good view.


hippodrome circus great yarmouth review



The show is billed as a spectacular and it truly is. It’s circus, theatre, comedy and cabaret all combined with surprise synchronised swimming!  Sounds crazy?  It is – but in the best way!


The show lasted an incredible two hours making it excellent value for money. It is so good. I would recommend you save this for the last day of your holiday as the big finale.



The show is hosted by Jack Jay and Johnny Mack.  They provide the comedy of the show (a welcome alternative to scary clowns!) with lots of jokes for both adults and children alike. Plenty of silly toilet humour for the kids.




I felt that the comedy sections drew from the rich history of pantomime drawing in the audience and using topical humour and current pop tunes to great effect.



In between there were some truly amazing Circus acts from all over the world.

The clear audience favourite was the motorbikes in a circular cage (is there an official name for this, Globe of Death?). Quite frankly, I was impressed when one motorcycle went into the globe and zipped around so you could barely see him. Then another was added and then another and to my astonishment (and mild terror) a fourth went in! There is some major skill involved in not crashing into each other. Very impressive!


hippodrome circus great yarmouth review


Make sure the kids bring their pocket money as there is plenty to spend it on from popcorn and candy floss to light up wands (and who doesn’t love a light up wand!) Talking of light up things. These wings were pretty special and I would certainly like a pair myself.

hippodrome circus great yarmouth review


All in all, a fantastic and fun show that will have everyone either laughing or oohing and aahing!


While we were in Great Yarmouth, we also visited Merrivale Model Village, the Pleasure Beach and Sealife.


hippodrome circus great yarmouth review


Also check out our post on Fantastic Family Friendly Things to do in Great Yarmouth.


We were invited to visit and review.  As always, all opinions expressed are our own.


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