Do you remember when you were young, still at primary school, the excitement of being handed a white envelope with your name handwritten on it? You KNEW there was a party invitation in there. It was probably one that your friend’s mum bought in a pack from WH Smith. You know the ones that came on a pad and you had to fill in the name, date, time and place. Ahh memories!
Parties consisted of home made games like pass the parcel, apple bobbing and musical chairs. There was no entertainer, unless Ronald McDonald counts. The food was sausage rolls, cheese and pineapple on sticks, pink wafer biscuits and jelly and ice cream. The icing on the cake was, of course, the cake! Usually made by a friend of the birthday boy or girl’s mum. The party bags consisted of a fun size pack of smarties and a slice of home made cake. And no one got hyper on squash, well apart from one but there was always one.
Times have changed and so have parties and invitations. Parties are now a far more elaborate affair at a trampoline park or soft play centre. And these days, thanks to Basic Invites, there is a vast array of invitations to choose from. First of all no longer are the envelopes white! With Basic Invite you can choose from over 40 different colours! That surely makes your invitation stand out.
For the invitations themselves you can choose from 180 colour options; and Basic Invites allows you to choose your design and then play about with the colours. Not only that but you can also request a custom sample so you can check that your invitation looks as good in real life as it does on your computer screen.
Basic Invites have all sorts of cards to choose from, not only party invitation but also wedding invitations, Christening, twin graduation party invitations, picture graduation invitations, and, to show your appreciation, graduation thank you cards. You name it, the card is available!
For an extra special touch you can opt for foil, flat or raised in either gold, silver or rose gold.
Life has changed, parties have changed and so has the way you store your addresses. Basic Invite offers an address capturing service where you can share a link on your favourite social media – Facebook or Twitter where you can request your friends and family’s addresses. They are stored in your account and you can request this after designing your invitation or card. This is fab for me – I have had an address book for 10 years and only just started to use it!
So there we have it. Time moves on, parties become more elaborate and so do the invitations – but they are made easier to design by Basic Invites.
This is a collaborative post with Basic Invites. As always, all opinions are my own.