An Autumnal Day at the Alnwick Garden

We spent some time in Newcastle recently and visited The Angel of the North and Beamish.  While we were there we decided on a trip further North.  It was a lovely sunny autumnal day, the day we visited the Alnwick Garden. We began our day at the fountain, where there are lots of ride on tractors for the kids. My two (aged 9 and 11) declared themselves two big for the tractors but then spent the next ten minutes gleefully driving around on them.

Alnwick Garden with Kids Review (3)

The Poison Garden at Alnwick Garden

Soon, we headed over to the Poison Garden, where tours were taken every half an hour. As soon as the guide started talking about the poisonous plants in the garden Miss H had a bit of a flap and demanded to leave! All was not lost though, Mr Wonders stayed with our son who was fascinated and recounted many facts to me later. In the meantime I visited the cafe and had a lovely vanilla latte with a grumpy Miss H.

Alnwick Garden with Kids Review

Once we grouped we headed to the bamboo maze which the kids both loved before going up and around to the ornamental garden. It’s worth noting that there are quirky little points to watch out for on your rambles but I won’t give any spoilers!

Alnwick Garden with Kids Review

Alnwick Garden with Kids Review

The ornamental garden was still exceedingly pretty even though we visited at the very start on November. I loved the symmetrical lines, and can see that the plants must have been stunning in the summer.

Alnwick Garden with Kids Review

This espaliered crab apple hedge though had really come into own and was at its golden best.

Alnwick Garden with Kids Review

After the ornamental garden the children spent some time playing around the fountains.

Alnwick Garden with Kids Review

They found a fallen crab apple each and chased them as they floated down the little streams.

Alnwick Garden with Kids Review

The Cherry Orchard at Alnwick Garden

Don’t miss the Cherry Orchard while you are there. To be honest, I saw it on the map and was not inspired to visit it, thinking it would not be terribly impressive in November. I am so glad we did though. Strung between the trees were row after row of swinging benches. It was just a lovely place to sit and relax, and reflect upon your visit. Plus it kept the kids very entertained!

Alnwick Garden with Kids Review

We wandered slowly back to the main entrance area and watched some fabulous bubble making. I don’t think I will ever be too old to enjoy the sight of bubbles!

Before you leave there is an impressive gift shop and plant nursery if you want to take anything home with you.

The Alnwick Garden invited us to visit and review.  As always, any opinions expressed are my own.

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