Wizzili – The Personal Assistant for Busy Parents

It has to be said I am quite a geeky girl.  I love technology and am always really excited when a new product comes out that has a real practical use and will make a difference to my life.  Wizzili is billed as ‘The Personal Assistant for Busy Parents‘, which sounds ideal to me!  It’s a family AI PA (that’s an artificial intelligence personal assistant to you and me, now you can look smart in the playground).  I would absolutely love to try one.  As well as all the multitude of things I need to remember for school, you know the run of the mill stuff – homework, guitar, wellies for the welly walk, pack-ups and sponsorship money.  I am also on the PTA so that means meetings, and fundraisers, collecting tat, sorry bric-a-brac for the tombola stall and attempting to bake something that won’t kill everyone.  With all these things to remember is it any wonder that I crave an assistant to help me?

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Wizzili – Remind Me

On Sunday it is my Mum’s birthday party.  Who do you think is organising it?  Yes, it’s me.  Though I think ‘organising’ may be slightly too strong a word.  I am trying to organise it whilst juggling everything else.  How lovely it would be to say ‘Wizzili – add twenty balloons with the number ‘70’ to my shopping list.  Or ‘Wizzili – message my brother to double check he is coming’.  Or even ‘Wizzili – what time did I even book the party for again?!’

[singlepic id=2317 w= h= float=center]Checking the Weather Forecast

Once that occasion is out of the way we are heading into the summer term and that means Sports Day, ‘Wizzili – remind me to be in the toilet when it’s the Mum’s race’, School Outdoor Concert ‘Wizzili – what’s the weather forecast for that date?’.  Then obviously it will be ‘Wizzili – add umbrella to my shopping list’.  The next big social event on the horizon is our local village show which is eagerly anticipated in our household.  Miss H throws herself into her artistic creations for the craft tent, ‘Wizzili – remind me to book an industrial clean to remove the piles of glitter from my carpet’, while Master T likes taking part in the children’s races ‘Wizzili – buy new trainers’, and Mr Wonders just heads for the beer tent ‘Wizzili – check out the divorce solicitor’ (Just kidding Mr W!).

Have a look at the video for all the cool things Wizzili will be able to do.

Adding Events to my Calendar

How good would it be to have a personal assistant to help take off the mental load of remembering everything?  I have a calendar, but when I remember things while loading the dishwasher, I can’t just stop and login to my computer to add it.  With Wizzili I can just tell her to add them to my calendar, regardless of whether my hands are covered in ketchup and fried egg yolk.  Oh – and the number of birthdays I need to remember!  How good to have a gentle reminder a week before to buy and post a card.  When my mother does it, I feel offended, like it’s a passive aggressive jibe.  With Wizzili I know she would not be implying I am a slovenly layabout with no job and the organisational skills of the Chuckle Brothers.  No, Wizzili would be my angel on my shoulder, steering me in the right direction.  Which reminds me ‘Wizzili – remind me to visit my mother.’  Oh and ‘Wizzili – add wine to my shopping list for afterwards’.

There’s an App for that!

Wizzili comes with it’s own app that stores all the information for all the family members in one place.  I’ll add it to Mr Wonder’s phone.  Whether he will remember to check it is another thing – Wizzili…..!

Keen to find out more about Wizzili?

Check out Wizzili for yourself here.  There are a couple of ways to find out more and keep updated.  You can sign up for the Wizzili Newsletter, by clicking on the banner below:

Or you can sign up to their private Facebook group to chat with other parents and hear the latest updates.


This is a sponsored post, the team at Wizzili have asked me to write the post but my thoughts and opinions are – as ever – my own.

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