Go Ape Dalby Forest Review – Segways and Tree Top Adventures

UK days out - Dalby Forest

Go Ape Dalby Forest Review Segways and Tree Top Adventures – This review is written by Dave (Mr Wonders) as he was the one taking part while I chickened out!  

This weekend we took ourselves to Go Ape in Dalby Forest. Followed by a long lie down in our hotel for me!  Once checked in at reception, we read the ‘danger of death’ instructions and signed our lives away.  We were called through to the Segway garage/training area where we were advised we may run away if we didn’t like it. We were all taken through a description of the controls and then had the opportunity to pootle around a mini training area. Once you’re on the crazy looking device all is good and fairly intuitive. I think this is just to establish you’re not a complete loony.

Go Ape Dalby Forest Review - Segways and Tree Top Adventure

Segway Trek at Go Ape Dalby Forest

On to the fun bit, a proper trek through the tracks in Dalby Forest. They are shared with other users, so we were warned to keep an eye out for lycra louts, dogists, etc. Fortunately there weren’t many of either, though I did nearly flatten a badly controlled furry one later on. Thanks to my epic skill, disaster was avoided!

Go Ape Dalby Forest Review - Segways and Tree Top Adventure

The experience lasted around an hour and included a variety of trails. After 15minutes ish, evidently we all seemed competent enough for the instructor to take our Segways off L plate mode – appearances can be deceptive – this made them more lively! More responsive steering and up to 11mph instead of 6.5 apparently, emphasis on the “up to”, Master T was in front of me, sometimes by a large amount!

Go Ape Dalby Forest Review - Segways

The last part warranted our L plates being put back on for a quite frankly ridiculously steep downhill stretch. Rather amazed that the Segway was quite happy to deal with this. I have been up this hill on a mountain bike and it’s bloomin’ steep!  Segways, should I have a go….yes you most definitely should. The two instructors were great. But do make sure you meet the requirements as our daughter wasn’t allowed as she was 2lb under the weight limit of 7 stone.

Segways at Dalby Forest near Pickering

Tree Top Adventure at Go Ape, Dalby Forest

Following on from our Segway fun and games it was back to Go Ape for a Treetop Adventure, well, interspersed with a loo visit, you can’t wee on people from the trees, that’s bad form apparently.  Same deal on check-in, sign in, agree to almost certain death and await your time.

We were soon called up to start our session. Once in we had a quick introduction to the safety gear and fitted with our harnesses. The ‘Adventure’ is much lower/tamer than the ‘Challenge’ so is best suited to smaller children/families. That’s not to say it doesn’t feel high, it does! Due to the way the safety line is rigged on this course, there is no way off it until you’re back on terra firma.  We don’t have a lot of photos from this as I needed my hands to stay alive.

You’re soon off up to the trees with a couple of circuits to choose from. You can’t plummet to your doom, though sometimes it may feel like you can! All you need is a small Miss H behind you telling you to hurry up, that really helps, hmm.

Each circuit finishes with a fab zipwire over any waiting parents/siblings and an unceremonious splat, sorry graceful landing. At which point you may go round again, and continue doing so until you can take it no more or your hour is up, whichever happens first.

Tree Top Adventure at Go Ape Dalby Forest

One of the little beasts would definitely go again, and probably on the full grown up course, the other possibly won’t, but enjoyed the experience anyway! Me, well yes, probably. Don’t mind the height, but my balance is a bit rubbish and prefer something to hold on to!

Extra bit and photos of Dalby Forest by Nikki – There is a great kids’ play area and cafe for when you have finished dicing with death.  

Playground at Dalby Forest

There’s plenty of seating outside the cafe and these big bleachers where you can sit and watch the kids play.

Go Ape is a great active day out for the kids and Dalby Forest is a beautiful location.  Have a look at our post for more days out in Yorkshire.

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