The Essential List for Holidaying with Children

When you go on holiday, there is a lot to organise. But when you go on holiday with children, there is even more to do. Not only do you have to make sure that everything is packed, the right weight, and ready, but you need to consider their needs while you are away too. It will be away from home, so your go-to methods of entertaining them may not be possible. That means you may have to think outside the box a little. If you have a baby and rely on formula – you may be worried that you won’t be able to find the right brand while you are away, and what if they start crying on the plane and won’t stop? That can be so stressful and pretty much every parent’s nightmare. Another thing is what if they get ill while they are away. What if they get very sick and you need medical help? There is so much to worry about. Buy to help you out, we have compiled an essential list for holidaying with children. Take a look below for guidance:



The Holiday Checklist

You need to be organised when travelling with kids. That means you need to start preparing well ahead of time. First, you need to write a list of everything you need to do. So with the beauty of time, you can create an exhaustive list of everything, including checking their travel documents and packing those nappies. It may help to use the Paperless app on your iPhone or an equivalent android one. Where you can, first of all, not lose your list, as this can happen much to your despair, and then tick the items off as you go along. A list of everything can help you stay calm and ensure that you will have covered everything. As long as there is a tick in every box, you can go to the airport without anxiety, hopefully!


The Packing 

Packing for yourself and children can get confusing, so you need to find a way to inside the clothes up, so it makes sense and is easy to find. Packing cubes are a great idea. These are little bags that help you divide everything up and make things so much easier to find. If you are packing for a baby and a toddler, for example, it may be an idea to choose cubes with different colors so you can identify the right ones immediately. Also, it helps if you have ones with peekaboo windows so that you know what’s inside without opening them. Or you could label them if you are that organised. You can clearly use separate suitcases for your kids too, but this method allows you to put together entire outfits. Perhaps you could go so far as to create 14 different outfits for your children and make life simpler that way. It makes sense to pack varying up a few days before just to make sure it all fits. You do not want to have to unpack or repack or even buy a larger suitcase on the day of your trip. 


Travel Accessories

It may be worth your while doing a little, or a lot of, investigation to find out what exactly is out there and what you may need. But the good news is that there are plenty of fantastic travel accessories for the family, which can make your trip a lot easier. For babies and a baby carrier is essential. It is vital for the airport, and in planes, if you are going to be using trains, it is far easier there too. You are going to need a stroller, too, even if your kids are able to walk. The last thing you want is for your little older than a toddler to be dragging his or her feet around the city. Strollers are also great for restaurants too, especially when your kids are tired. You will need a travel cot, a potable booster seat, water bottles, snack boxes, phone chargers, a portable speaker, and a day bag. Again it makes sense to create a list of all the accessories you need and tick them off one by one.   



Entertainment is key. Especially if you are going to be on the road a lot or flying, it may help if you have a list of games you can play in the car or on a flight. Having a few films loaded onto an iPad or tablet is a good idea, too, something you can watch when you are not online. Consider also a playlist that can be played in the car and through the speaker when you are in your holiday room or villa, etc. Kids love music, and some dancing may well distract them while you sort things out. Cards are great too. You may want to learn a few games before if snap is the sum of your card games knowledge. Kids love learning, so this can help you while away an hour or so. You will also want to pack a lot of toys too. Older kids might love lego city, as this is creative, gets them to use their brains, and is relatively small to take with you, which is always a bonus when you are paying for every kilogram. Puzzles and coloring books are other great examples. Younger kids may just want some of their most loved cuddly toys. 



If you don’t get this right, you may not be able to get on your flight, and you’ll all be disappointed. So create another list. Start with your passports. Are they all in order? Are they a;l in date? You’ll be surprised how many people forget that their passports have expired and have to panic about getting it renewed. You will also need medical cards just in case something does happen. You don’t want to have a huge medical bill at the end of it. Are your driving licenses accepted in the country you are going to, etc.,. It is best you get all these details sorted as a matter of urgency.